Venta de Aires en New York Times
Hoy estamos de enhorabuena en Venta de Aires: Nos acaban de informar que han publicado un artículo en la sección de viajes del prestigioso periódico The New York Times sobre Toledo y recomiendan Venta de Aires como la referencia gastronómica de la ciudad.
Una distinción que nos honra y nos ayuda a seguir trabajando para ofrecer a nuestros clientes y amigos el mejor servicio y la mejor cocina de Toledo.
El fragmento del artículo en el que hablan de Venta de Aires es el siguiente:
“La Mancha, the province in which Toledo sits, is a high, arid place. The result is a cuisine based on the most elemental ingredients, like sopa de ajo, a broth made with water and garlic, and migas, a concoction of moistened bread crumbs cooked in olive oil and garlic and chunks of ham if available.
I ventured off to find Toledo’s most prized dish: perdiz estofada, a local red-tailed partridge that’s a favorite of hunters. Outside the city wall, down the Paseo Circo Romano, I discovered Venta de Aires, which first started serving the dish in 1891. It’s also where Surrealists like Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí formed the Order of Toledo, got wildly drunk and paraded through the ancient city in costumes. Now it’s been rebuilt with glassy, modern flourishes.
The perdiz was an element of nearly every dish at Venta de Aires, even forming the base of a delicate yet sumptuous creamed crab and eggplant soup. The perdiz itself came served on the bone, with a small mountain of caramelized onions that were sautéed in sherry vinegar from Andalusia, in southern Spain. Dessert was another Toledo specialty: marzipan, with a semi-cooked egg in the middle and with ice cream on top.”
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